Application for patent

美 [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn fɔːr ˈpætnt]英 [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn fɔː(r) ˈpætnt]
  • 网络专利申请;申请专利
Application for patentApplication for patent
  1. The applicant filing an international application for patent shall comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph .


  2. Where he has an interest in the application for patent or the patent right ;


  3. Chapter IV Examination and Approval of Application for Patent


  4. The amendments to the application for patent shall be in two copies .


  5. Chapter III Application for Patent


  6. Chapter III Examination and Approval of Application for Patent How to review and approve a factoring proposal ?


  7. For the flexible stress transfer system , we present an application for patent which is a CIP device for molding a ceramic tube with blind hole .


  8. However , where an application for patent has been rejected , withdrawn or is deemed to have been withdrawn , no divisional application may be filed .


  9. Any dispute over the appropriate fee to be paid for the exploitation of an invention after the publication of the application for patent but before the grant of patent right .


  10. The patent administration department under the State Council shall handle any international application for patent in accordance with the international treaty concerned to which China is party , this Law and the relevant regulations of the State Council .


  11. Although the patent right as a whole , as the investor in the legislation is clearly defined , but the application for patent rights , patent rights can the implementation of funding in academia extremely controversial issue .


  12. Where he has an interest in the application for patent or the patent right ; Workers ' interests are closely connected with the enterprises ' prosperity , and there is no conflict of fundamental interests between the managers and the workers .


  13. Where , before the date of filing of the application for patent , any person who has already made the identical product , used the identical process , or made necessary preparations for its making or using , continues to make or use it within the original scope only ;


  14. An application for a patent for design shall be limited to one design incorporated in one product .


  15. An applicant may amend his or its application for a patent


  16. Fee for substantial examination of an application for a patent for invention and re-examination fee ;


  17. Article 32 . An applicant may withdraw his or its application for a patent at any time before the patent right is granted .


  18. Rule 28 Where an application for a patent for design is filed , a brief explanation of the design shall , when necessary , be made .


  19. Any rejection , withdrawal and deemed withdrawal of an application for a patent for invention after its publication ;


  20. However , the declaration to withdraw an application for a patent shall be announced on the subsequently published Patent Gazette .


  21. Article 3l . An application for a patent for invention or utility model shall be limited to one invention or UTI 1 ity model .


  22. " Where any foreigner , foreign enterprise or other foreign organization having no habitual residence or Business office in China files an application for a patent in China "


  23. The amendment to the application for a patent for design may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure as shown in the initial drawings or photographs .


  24. In an application for a patent which contains drawings , the applicant shall provide a figure which best characterizes the technical features of the invention or utility model .


  25. Where an application for a patent for design seeking concurrent protection of colors is filed , a drawing or photograph in color shall be submitted in two copies .


  26. Where an amendment to the drawings or photographs of an application for a patent for design is made , a replacement sheet shall be submitted as prescribed .


  27. An amendment to the specification of a patent or to an application for a patent may only be made in the language of the authentic text of the patent or application .


  28. Any application for a patent filed with , and any other proceedings before , the Patent Office shall be subject to the payment of a fee as prescribed .


  29. Article 7 . No entity or individual shall prevent the inventor or creator from filing an application for a patent for a non-service invention-creation .


  30. " But the amendment to the application for a patent for invention or utility model may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure contained in the initial description and claims ,"
